Unleashing the power of remedies
Remedies stimulate the vital force
The vital force is the collective power of the mind body and spirit. We heal with remedies that affect our vital force to exactly the right level. Remedies that are too strong will overwhelm the vital force and slow down or even stop healing. For that reason, any treatment plan is designed to support the vital force and not to overwhelm it. You take the best advantage of homeopathy when you notify your homeopath about any changes in your vital force or reactions to remedies. Understanding what is happening and what to expect is not only reassuring, also you will experience the long-lasting effects of better treatment.
The remedy may take more time reveal itself. Watch and wait. If you watch and wait too long depending on the urgency of the problem, the remedy may be changed.
Medications are hiding the action of the remedy. Either take steps to reduce medication or use the Five cup method to dilute the remedy so that the remedy can gently work through the opposing action of the medication.
The remedy is too strong so use it less frequently.
The remedy is too weak so increase the potency. For example, you were given a 12c potency, and your homeopath will give you a 30c potency. (The typical potency scale is 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, 1M, and 10M)
Likewise, the remedy was too strong so a lower potency will be used.