Relapsing fever
The patient had a relapse of fever every weekend for the past 3 weekends. The first remedy decreased the severity of the symptoms, but other symptoms appeared. After the first reoccurrence of the fever using Arnica 30c, I changed the remedy to Rhus-tox 200c five cup method.
These were the patient’s symptoms
A tick bite could produce these symptoms, but there are many other disease conditions which cause relapsing fevers. So, because the doctor was worried, he had the patient take many lab tests.
Email from patient (with patient permission).
So I just got more emailed test results from all the blood they collected from me last Friday. If I'm reading the results correctly, I don't have lupus or any other rheumatoid kind of disease. Yay!
I know that you aren't really concerned with allopathic diagnoses, but still, it's a relief.
Today, I have a regular old cold. Sneezing, and runny nose. This started last night. But I'm still taking the Rhus Tox, 2x/day.
She was tested for every possible rheumatic disease including Lyme’s disease, lupus, bacterial infection… Below, I tell the patient why her doctor’s lab test results are important.
No, I am concerned with allopathic disease symptoms. I just don't base my treatment on allopathic diagnosis. That said, if we know you have an allopathic condition, then we can use the allopathic test results to evaluate your homeopathic results.
Note, sometimes after successful homeopathic treatment, the patient feels relief and the symptoms do not reoccur, but the result shows no change. Patients feeling relief despite the allopathic diagnosis that healing of the disease is impossible. Homeopaths would agree that if tissue change has occurred, then new cells cannot be regenerated. Especially when those cells are the type that is so highly evolved that the body has a hard time regenerating them. Nerve and muscle cells are of that type. Nevertheless, sometimes patients are given relief from homeopathy.
Your fever problems affect the mucous membrane. Those cells regenerate every four days, so healing is certain. That is, if you have no underlying infection that had been suppressed by earlier medications, with the right remedy healing is certain.
You said, “Today, I have a regular old cold.” Great, that's what we want. A regular old cold is a decrease in your perviously more intense fever symptoms. Furthermore, you got your cold sooner than the previous relapsing fever rhythm. These are the best possible results.
So, actually your doctors test results are important and you should bring them with you when you come for your first interview, or if you have them during treatment, inform me of your results.