Tokyo Homeopathy

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How well did you sleep?

Subtle energy around you has recently increased in amount and intensity. It is a side effect of our high tech lives. We do not sleep in special tents and all of what is possible to protect ourselves. But we do take a few easy precautions. And in general, we do not have sleep problems. Nevertheless...

We turn off our modem at night. If you look at the net, we are affected by computer-generated energy that is near to us. We are most vulnerable at night when we sleep. So, we stop internet work an hour or so before sleeping (hard to do), turn off the modem and put all 4 G devices on airplane mode. Light is another sleep-regulating factor. Also, I have all my screens set to the darker modes during the evening. Our eyes take in the intense light of the computer screen, which regulates the hormone that regulates sleep. Really we should be stopping computer work at sundown. Sadly, we are addicted to our computers. In the morning, we try to go out for about 15 minutes to get the sunlight in our eyes. That sunlight turns off the sleep cycle and puts us in daylight mode.

That light goes to a gland behind the eyes (the posterior pineal gland). It regulates the production of melatonin. Melatonin does not only regulate the sleep cycle, but it also regulates the disposal of wasted Oxygen (free radicles) that come from the production of energy in the cells (in the mitochondria). Those free radicles will do damage to your system if you are not good at disposing of them. Setting up a good living environment has to do with your diet, among other factors. Eating healthy oils, fermented foods... All of this is very complex, but you can look it up on the net if you want more detail. It is important for people who have trouble with sleep and whose energy supply is unstable. We do not have those problems usually, still these habits affect our general wellness.

Ellen MadonoComment