Tokyo Homeopathy

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What is cure?

What is cure?

What do we actually mean by cure?  Do you personally want your homeopath to be concerned about your health even five years after curative treatment?    There is more than good karma or compassion involved when a homeopath calls you five year after your treatment.  Long-term follow-up provides valuable information about our homeopathic medicines.

 How literal are we when we speak of long-term cure?  It is heart-warming to hear dramatic stories of recovery that I may not have heard during the limited period when I was working with the patient.  Also, it is even more impressive to know in fact if the remedy is holding up 2-5 years after treatment.  But there are other benefits to long-term follow up that are more than such positive reinforcement.

The same remedy cures for 2-5 years

Cure means the same remedy cures for 2-5 years.  I check back on my patients 2-5 years after treatment ended.  Treatment not only cures the problems that were treated, but more impressive, even new problems can be cured by a remedy that treated a chronic condition.  The reason for this is another discussion.  If I know that the patient's remedy was curative for 2 years or even 5 years, then the information that I got about the patient is likely to be descriptive of the remedy in general. This is particularly true if similar evidence is found in 3-5 other cases cured by that remedy and I have several cases supporting this description.  Note, information about curative remedies is only as good as the depth of information gained during case-taking.

Ellen MadonoComment