Therapy through Natural Stress and Fatigue
The description of therapy and physiology of muscular dysfunction is so careful because it involves “fixing” others. In real life and not therapy, if you have the energy, muscular or tendon injury is very low in the pathological pyramid. Not having the energy to move is a much more difficult problem, for example. Wear and tear on the muscles and connective tissue is very common. Natural life that requires both comfortable and stressful movement will naturally fix many problems. If we only move as we prefer to do, that is with all of our postural and emotional discomforts fixed by preference, it is hard to overcome dysfunction. Since we are not usually doing yoga all the time, stressful movement is necessary to get the stretch. Fatigue will call for relaxation. At that point, injuries causing flaccid muscles (phasic muscular injuries) can be worked on. Fatigue puts the most stress on flaccid muscles. So we need both fatigue and stretch in natural life, not the life on a therapist's table. If the patient basically lacks the energy for natural fatigue and stretch in daily life, then we need to be doing the “constitutional” treatment. Homeopathy should consider the constitutional treatment for a lack of energy to live a natural life of stress and fatigue before attempts to fix local musculature problems.