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Powanssan virus disease

Powanssan virus causes insidious neurological symptoms that cannot be easily treated by conventional medicine although they are epidemic.

When a virus like Powanssan virus causes symptoms that occur much later than the initial tick bite that transferred the virus, it can no longer be treated as an epidemic disease. Health agencies are counting incidence of this rare virus are concerned not because the epidemic rampant, but because the effects are insidious.  Also, the long-term symptoms are difficult to treat.  I will talk about discuss Powanssan virus disease, but the same discussion could also cover Lyme's disease.

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Seizures
  • Encephalitis (swelling of the brain)
  • Meningitis (swelling of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)

Conventional medicine lacks effective treatment for the worst of these symptoms.  Since the initial symptoms are mild, probably most cases are not reported because they are not noticed by patients presenting with neurological symptoms. Naturally, we must ask how many patients presenting with such symptoms lack a disease name or an obvious cause for symptoms.  How many of such difficult conditions could actually be suffering from an insidious virus such as Powanssan virus?

Long-term symptoms of Powassan virus?

Patients with severe disease may suffer long-term neurologic symptoms such as headaches and memory problems. Death is possible but rare (approximately 10% of cases with encephalitis).  As a virus there are no antibiotic treatments available. The symptoms are different from Lyme's disease, but the homeopathic treatment approach is similar.
Typical epidemic disease homeopathic treatment
This is an epidemic disease.  In normal epidemic diseases, the symptoms are obvious from the beginning.  In normal epidemic disease, you repertorize those symptoms from a few cases of the affected population. The same remedy can be given for most patients in any given geographic population.
Powassan becomes a chronic disease
In the case of the Powanssan virus, the initial symptoms are so mild that they are not noticed.  You cannot repertorize symptoms that were hardly noticed.  When the patient comes with the long-term neurologic symptoms, you have to go with those and more general symptoms.
Why not just give the typical remedies for neurological diseases?
We know which remedies are often used in the case for neurological disease.  Why not give them all at the same time or in succession?  That is the approach of non-classical homeopathy.  They claim to be "practical."  As doctors, they do not have the funding to talk to patients one at a time and to follow up cases individually, they excuse themselves.  They lack the time to do proper research.  Are they lazy? Classical homeopaths find the funding and the time to treat patients individually.  They are rewarded by being more effective healers.
What kind of disease is caused by Powanssan virus?
In the case of symptoms caused by Powanssan virus, the severe neurological symptoms that we see in the clinic are chronic. They are neither epidemic or acute. The symptoms are chronic and the specific to the individual patient.

Chronic, constitutional/systemic disease without a name

This is because the patient's mind/body have adapted to the viral infection in the ways that are peculiar to that patient. The pace of disease development was slow, so the patient's mind/body had time to adapt.  The patient's entire constitution has been affected by the virus.  Of course, Homeopaths ask about the entire constitution of the patient. Thankfully, you do not need to know the cause to prescribe.  Typically, patients with these neurological symptoms do not know that they were bitten and do not remember the mild symptoms of the bite.  Fortunately, those symptoms are irrelevant to cure of a chronic neurological case.

 How to learn to treat chronic disease
 Learn a useful approach to homeopathic case analysis
If you are asking for what symptoms should be used to cure, my answer is not a list of remedies.  I will tell you how to get effective answers on your own.  If you are not a homeopath and do not want to become one, go to a Classically trained homeopath to be treated.  The method I use is not the only good method.  There are many, I suppose.  But, classical training is essential.

Polarity analysis is accessible, affordable and understandable

If you are a homeopath, learn Dr. Fei's analytical technique.  It is very simple and accessible.  His own edited version of the Boennhausen rep is on his website.    Access to Dr. Frei's online rep is cheap and lifelong.  All of the necessary documents are also available to the public.  I read his books and took his course, but the basics are just common homeopath sense.   You still need the judgment that comes from training in Classical homeopathy, but even a beginner has better success rates that I had when I started.

Train with a classical homeopath

I am training a student now, and with some coaching, she amazes me with her successes.  She is learning that common sense of classical homeopathy as she is treating.  She has some failure, but so do I.  By looking at what she does, it is easy to tell her the technique or insight that she is missing in her case taking, analysis etc.  Without Dr. Frei's research, this easy hands-on teaching would be impossible.
Thus, I highly recommend answering your question with a long-range skill not just telling you a few neurologic remedies.

Learn a useful approach to homeopathic case analysis

If you are asking for what symptoms should be used to cure, my answer is not a list of remedies.  If you are not a homeopath and do not want to become one, go to a Classically trained homeopath.  The method I use is not the only good method.  There are many, I suppose.  But, classical training is essential.

Polarity analysis is accessible, affordable and understandable

If you are a homeopath, learn Dr. Fei's analytical technique.  It is very simple and accessible.  His own edited version of the Boennhausen rep is on his website.    Access to Dr. Frei's online rep is cheap and lifelong.  All of the necessary documents are also available to the public.  I read his books and took his course, but the basics are just common homeopath sense.   You still need the judgment that comes from training in Classical homeopathy, but even a beginner has better success rates that I had when I started.

Train with a homeopath

I am training a student now, and with some coaching, she amazes me with her successes.  She is learning that common sense of classical homeopathy as she is treating.  She has some failure, but so do I.  By looking at what she does, it is easy to tell her the technique or insight that she is missing in her case taking, analysis etc.  Without Dr. Frei's research, this easy hands-on teaching would be impossible.

Long-range, long-term skills

Thus, I highly recommend answering your question by suggesting a long-range skills not just telling you a few neurologic remedies.